If you explicitly set the instance variable called prototype, JavaScript will look in this instance for any undefined instance variables or attributes. 如果您显式设置了名为prototype的实例变量,JavaScript就会在此实例中寻找任何未定义的实例变量或属性。
You'll set a prototype instance variable to point to the parent in the inheritance chain. 方法是设置prototype实例变量使其指向继承链的父。
A prototype of electronic tunable filter whose cavity is loaded outside with a variable capacitor module is proposed. 提出在原有螺旋滤波器的基础上加载可调电容组件实现可调滤波器的方案。
With the using of autonomous agent and irrespective platform technology in its prototype implementation, the system have good portability. It also constitutes a useful framework for the testing and analyzing of the variable platform network's leak and vulnerability. 该系统以自治代理软件为核心,采用平台无关的技术实现,可移植性能良好,特别适用于检测分析异构型平台网络系统的漏洞和弱点。
Based on the above mentioned simulation of the miniature thermoacoustic prime mover, a prototype with variable resonance tube lengths was built for experiments to observe its performance, such as onset temperature, oscillation amplitude and operating frequency. 基于模拟结果,建立了微型热声驱动器实验装置,常压下,以空气为工质,着重对起振温度、振幅和频率的影响因素进行了实验研究,并和模拟结果进行了比较分析。
Experiments for the prototype indicate that using the structure of double-stator and three-phase series magnetic circuit, the hybrid variable reluctance motor has higher ratio of torque to volume. 并对样机进行了实验测试,实验结果表明,混合式变磁阻电动机采用串联磁路双定子结构,可以大大提高电机的输出转矩,证明了该结构电机具有较高的性能体积比。
For the requirement of studying PMMA polymer optical waveguides, a prototype ellipsometry with variable incidence angle, open optical circuit and widely applied range was established. 针对聚合物PMMA改性光波导研制的需求,自建了一台变入射角、开放光路、适用范围更广的椭偏测试仪。
Now the technology of Variable Frequency Hydraulic System is not mature. There are some problems for further research, such as slow dynamic response, poor low speed characteristics, and low speed accuracy. A prototype of variable frequency hydraulic Station was designed and built. 目前变频液压系统的技术还不是很成熟,存在诸如动态响应慢、低速特性差、调速精度不易保证等问题,因此仍需进一步研究。
A prototype tool has been developed. It integrates three typical data flow analysis techniques: null pointer dereference analysis, integer variable value interval analysis and the single-linked list reachability analysis, and offer the ability to interact with users. 本文实现了一个分析工具原型,它将空指针解引用分析技术、整型变量取值范围分析技术、单链表可达性分析技术整合到一起,并允许使用者进行人工干预。
Compare the efficiency of prototype system with that of variable frequency adjustable speed system with asynchronous motor, and the efficiency of motor ontology in each system is contrasted. 对比了样机系统和异步电动机变频调速系统的效率,以及各系统内电机本体效率的对比。